Bantams over Wembley
This is the Best Trip
Chasing the Tangerine Dream…
by Ian Chisnall – with a foreword and afterword by Ian Holloway

BBC Radio Lancashire sports broadcaster Ian Chisnall was determined that a record of the journey should be made. After hours of documenting the details week by week this, The Best Trip, is his take. From being top of the Premier League until 7.30pm on the opening day, through to the nerve jangling ‘Survival Sunday’ at the end of May, this book chronicles the highs and lows of a truly exceptional campaign. It includes quotes from the broadcastable post-match interviews with inimitable Tangerine’s manager Ian Holloway and many of the clips that could never have made it to the airwaves. There’s the inside track on the transfer window drama and a whole range of emotions as the season sparked and then stumbled. Find out what the gaffer really said to Prince William, who sent the club a letter after enjoying his visit to the match against Wolves. The Best Trip is a unique account of a remarkable season.
A Lawyer for All Seasons

Teeman also has a high profile in Europe, where his deep knowledge of EEC law enabled him to negotiate deals with Italian football clubs for the likes of Liam Brady and Joe Jordan. In the UK he was involved in famous court cases like the Billy Bremner libel suit against the Sunday People which resulted in record libel damages; a plot to kill President Nkrumah of Ghana; and the Leeds police trial surrounding the alleged killing of David Oluwale which, 30 years after the event, continues to haunt those involved. Teeman is also a former President of the Rugby Football League with a wealth of rugby league-related anecdotes to share. Do not miss this riveting read.
Yorkshire Football – A History
By Cameron Fleming
Yorkshire Football: A History is the story of club football, but told from a distinctly white rose viewpoint. It captures intriguing, surprising and tragic events, and is filled with inspiring characters from the origins of the code to the present day. The triumphs and tribulations of every professional team from the old three Ridings are featured – from Hull to Barnsley, Bradford City and Doncaster, via Leeds to Rotherham and all points beyond. Paperback, 320 pages.

Yorkshire Football: A History is the story of club football, but from a distinctly white rose viewpoint. It captures intriguing, surprising and tragic events, and is filled with inspired characters from all the teams in the county, from the origins of the code through to its current metamorphosis. Club football was born in Sheffield in 1857 and sparred with rugby for supremacy elsewhere in Yorkshire before flourishing. As such, the white rose county has often been at the heart of the sport’s development; its clubs and administrators helping to mould and shape the most popular game. Far more than a mere chronicle of records set, trophies won, promotions gained or relegations endured, the book offers an enduring impression of how Yorkshire football has trailblazed its way through the last 150 or so years. The triumphs and tribulations of every professional team from the old three Ridings are featured – from Hull to Barnsley, Bradford City and Doncaster, via Leeds to Rotherham and all points beyond. Surveying the history of the game from the vantage points of Moors, Dales and Wolds of England’s largest – and proudest – county offers a unique perspective.
Dare to Dream – On life, football & cosmetic surgery
By John Ryan
With a foreword by Kevin Keegan
“An amazing journey…” – Sir Alex Ferguson
From the making of Melinda Messenger to the dramatic rescue of England’s most over-achieving football club Doncaster Rovers, entrepreneur, pioneer and self-made millionaire John Ryan continues to live his dream. This is an autobiography that carries a special health warning: it may make you fall back in love with football – and life! Paperback, 416 pages.

From the making of Melinda Messenger to the dramatic rescue of England’s most over-achieving football club Doncaster Rovers, entrepreneur, pioneer and self-made millionaire John Ryan continues to live his dream. Raised on a modest council estate, Ryan was a driving force in the transformation of cosmetic surgery from controversial luxury to one of Britain’s fastest-expanding industries. As such, he helped to put smiles on thousands of female faces and has seen more breasts than the editor of The Sun. And, remarkably, he did it all in order to fulfil a promise to become the most successful chairman in the history of a football club that had, at best, long been the butt of jokes and, at worst, on the verge of extinction. In typically amusing and endearingly honest style, John Ryan reveals how seeing beyond hugely difficult circumstances has been key to almost unprecedented success in two very different fields; along with creating his own personal paradise. Laced with genuine, heart-warming tributes from some of the biggest names in the beautiful game, Ryan pulls no punches with his forthright views on a sport in which the gulf between players and fans grows almost daily. His message will resonate with the thoughts of huge numbers of supporters throughout the land who worry where the game is leading. Dare to Dream carries a special health warning: it may make you fall back in love with football – and life!